Face The Event - Event Staff & Brand Ambassador Podcast

Shoes / Rick Gerber & On Premises Bar Activations

Scott Tokar Season 1 Episode 6

Shoes and standing all day on an activation.

Rick Gerber - With over 40,000 on-premises bar promotions, Rick shares brand ambassador tips for working with a major beer brand around the world.

Rick walks us through his 30+ year career as an in-person bar promotion expert that has allowed him to represent a major US beer brand and their many products in over 40,000 locations around the WORLD including DREAM activations at the Olympics, several Superbowls, World Cups, 

He shares tips that any brand ambassador will find useful as they get started in their career and amazing insights if BAs are moving up the experience ladder to become an onsite lead or manager, event organizer, or area representative for a brand. 

Workflow secrets from the moment you enter an establishment, how to approach a group or couple in the establishment without making them uncomfortable, and when to move on to the next bar so you always leave them wanting more.

What are the qualities of a GREAT brand ambassador, what should the training look like, and how to become a knowledgable representative that is as memorable as the brand itself?

How have bar and liquor promotions changed over the past 30 years, and how the quantification of a promotion’s “success” has evolved.

Larry Wyatt tells us an after-hours story where he and his fellow staffers unknowingly became a museum exhibit themselves while in Barcelona on an activation.